I couldn't believe my babies turned 6 last month...I admit, it had been so overwhelming as a first time Mom when I had two infants to nurse and nurture, one had colic and was a high needs baby and would not tandem nurse, no matter how many different positions we tried...it seemed like someone was always crying and not answering those cries just wasn't an option. How did it go from getting up 9-11 times a night, wondering how I would survive those early years, without any family nearby, to the ease of now...having a built-in playmate - a benefit of having a twin or sibling, giving Mom that much needed break...
When did my babies get so big???? OK, I admit, we still don't always sleep through the night, but after going through *all that*, I think I can handle this :)
I have had incredible support from a guy whom I believe is one of the world's *best* pediatricians, Dr. Jay Gordon.
Dr. Jay was the first male doctor to be certified as a lactation consultant, sat on the board for years, his vaccine policy (selective vaccination, depending on individual risk assessment of each family - and certainly staggering vaccines for those families who feel the need to vaccinate), extended breastfeeding, excellent pediatric nutrition recommendations, attachment parenting advice and support and natural remedies over Big Pharma has allowed me to blossom as a parent and follow the leads of my children. I just love Dr. Jay.
The girls have been very healthy under his care, so we haven't seen him for anything other than a well check visit in years. Now at age 6, we anticipated our visit to his office in Santa Monica. We brought him some homemade carrot raisin muffins we baked that morning and drove to his office.

Here are the girls just down the street from his office on Montana.

Dr. Jay always has lots of wooden toys for the kids to play with, which the girls just love.

Nurse Jennifer checks their eyes, ears, height and weight. We discuss our diet, activities and lifestyle.

Then we wait for him...

Our hour long appointment with Dr. Jay goes well. He reminds the girls to hold the hand of an adult in the parking lot, to always wear safety helmets, to eat their veggies, fruits, legumes, and grains & gives us a clean bill of health...
I'm amazed to think that we went from
When did my babies get so big???? OK, I admit, we still don't always sleep through the night, but after going through *all that*, I think I can handle this :)
I have had incredible support from a guy whom I believe is one of the world's *best* pediatricians, Dr. Jay Gordon.
Dr. Jay was the first male doctor to be certified as a lactation consultant, sat on the board for years, his vaccine policy (selective vaccination, depending on individual risk assessment of each family - and certainly staggering vaccines for those families who feel the need to vaccinate), extended breastfeeding, excellent pediatric nutrition recommendations, attachment parenting advice and support and natural remedies over Big Pharma has allowed me to blossom as a parent and follow the leads of my children. I just love Dr. Jay.
The girls have been very healthy under his care, so we haven't seen him for anything other than a well check visit in years. Now at age 6, we anticipated our visit to his office in Santa Monica. We brought him some homemade carrot raisin muffins we baked that morning and drove to his office.
Here are the girls just down the street from his office on Montana.
Dr. Jay always has lots of wooden toys for the kids to play with, which the girls just love.
Nurse Jennifer checks their eyes, ears, height and weight. We discuss our diet, activities and lifestyle.
Then we wait for him...
Our hour long appointment with Dr. Jay goes well. He reminds the girls to hold the hand of an adult in the parking lot, to always wear safety helmets, to eat their veggies, fruits, legumes, and grains & gives us a clean bill of health...
I'm amazed to think that we went from

in such a short time...
Dr. Jay has written several wonderful books that are worth tracking down for those interested in APing. (some are now out of print)...my favorite one for the infant stage is "Listening to Your Baby".
Some others include: "Good Nights" (a book for family bed sharing), "Good Food Today Great Kids Tomorrow", and "The ADD and ADHD Cure: The Natural Way to Treat Hyperactivity and Refocus Your Child".
Dr. Jay has written several wonderful books that are worth tracking down for those interested in APing. (some are now out of print)...my favorite one for the infant stage is "Listening to Your Baby".
Some others include: "Good Nights" (a book for family bed sharing), "Good Food Today Great Kids Tomorrow", and "The ADD and ADHD Cure: The Natural Way to Treat Hyperactivity and Refocus Your Child".
He has a website up and a weekly chat with wonderful articles, including a great library section for recommended reading: http://www.drjaygordon.com/.
When I look at my babies, I see how much goes into each precious child out there. I see how important it is to have great support and guidance from family, friends and doctors during such a critical time in life. I see the smiles & the ease about my girls & I know I have many people to thank for helping protect their childhood. I am continually inspired by so many great parents out there who share their experiences and give advice (you know who you are).
This journey is hard at times, but fantastic most of the time! And I can't imagine my life without my two *growing* Carriers of the Light :)
"If you are what you should be, you will set your whole world on fire." ~ St. Catherine of Siena
I'm loving your blog, Jen! And what I wouldn't give to have Dr. Jay as our pediatrician. Sadly, he's not taking new patients. Want to put in a good word for me?
ReplyDeleteKim, you're so sweet :) I know it's hard to get to Dr. Jay, but if you can get to him, well - I haven't known him to turn down anyone. Had a friend who joined with his new doctor, Dr. Lapin and then switched over when she saw Jay for a sick visit. Let me know if you want me to email the office to see if he'd take your darling Max :) The only crummy thing - he doesn't take insurance :( FYI...