Last weekend, Elena and I had some one-on-one time, a rarity in our household, and she wanted to learn to use the lucet she received in her Christmas stocking (yeegads - where did the time go?!?). I purchased a lucet for each of the girls from the Tan family of Syrendell. Jennifer has an amazing fiber arts shop called Gosh Yarn It where you can find the lucets, and so much more!
The lucet was used as early as the Viking days, to make cords to lace corsets, embellish clothing, tie bags, etc...They are very sturdy and gorgeous.
I searched online and found a tutorial that I watched before presenting it to Elena. It is relatively easy and addicting (though it does take a lot of finger strength - mine got sore after some time) :D. So Elena eagerly began. We tried several types and thicknesses of yarns to get a feel for it. I had to hold the top string while Elena got going, but it won't be long until she can do it all by herself!
What a beautiful bunny! I love how she turnd her lucet work into a special project. I'm so glad that you are enjoying the lucets. :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful invention, I have never heard of it, great lucets cheers Marie
ReplyDeleteWe have a Lucet too. Love it! Your daughter's little bunny creation is really so precious!
ReplyDeletelooks like a lot of fun! Very cool looking bunny too!
ReplyDeleteHi! I had my son randomly pick a winner from names in a basket and you were picked! Let me know which gnome or plum folk you would like and I will get it out to you.
PS- Ooh, I so want to learn the lucet now.
What a great stocking stuffer! I love this! I didn't even know it existed! Are the results different than the knitting tower?
ReplyDeleteHow cute! I will have to check this out. You are so creative, Jen!
ReplyDeleteHow fun!!! I'm going to have to look into that for my brood. You have amazing ideas, Jen! Thanks for the inspiration!
ReplyDeleteHow awesome! Looks like the same process as for finger knitting or finger weaving, but I bet having the wooden "fingers" makes it easier for the youngest ones. What a neat little bunny!! :)
ReplyDeleteHi Alyss! It is very similar, but it makes a square cord and is really strong (so great for making drawstrings for homemade bags and sacs :D
ReplyDeleteI think finger knitting is easier for the kids, unless they are able to wind the starter string around their last two fingers, as seen in the video. But it's very calming, just like finger knitting! Have a great rest of the week!
Thank you to everyone else for the comments! Catherine, it does look very similar to the Knitting Tower! That looks like a square cord, as well. I haven't tried the knitting tower, but it looks very similar to corking! I love the picture at Nova Natural of the Knitting Tower! Very beautiful!
ReplyDeleteThere is a fun book on corking for kids called, "Corking (for Kids)" which illustrates how to make your own corkers with toilet paper tubes and round oatmeal containers...I've seen it at the various waldorf stores, though amazon has some used copies for pretty cheap.
Have a great Fri tomorrow, Catherine!