Monday, May 11, 2009

Money Play: the Value of Coins

We love to play lots of games at our house and I have a very tactile learner who was drawn to tangrams and advanced puzzles at a tender age, though she is very much walking on air still. We called her, "Super Puzzle Girl"...

She loves numbers and playing with the coins from their piggy banks. A living math guru mom told me about a game she would play with her child that sounded fun, so we gave it a try and my super puzzle girl loved it.

First the girls emptied their piggy banks and then laid a penny on each of the 100 numbers of our numbers chart to represent the value of one...

Then we found all the nickels and counted our five squares and placed the nickels on every 5th square...

Next, we did the dimes...

And finally quarters...

And here's what our board ended up looking like!

Kind of a low key way to introduce the value of American coins. The girls did enjoy it and even wanted to do it again when we were done...

1 comment:

  1. This is a GREAT idea! I love all the photos you post on your blog - step by step images for those of us who don't always read the fine print. Yeah. THat would be ME! :) Thanks for sharing!
