Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Blessings from Above - Ernesto the Fig Tree...

This is Uncle Ern...Uncle Ernie...
Ernesto to be exact...
dancing at our wedding years ago...

Uncle Ern passed away a few years ago before his time. In his memory, we planted a tiny fig tree and named it after him; for Uncle Ern loved figs...

We are only about 20 miles away from our old house and yet those 20 miles and the mountains in between make a world of difference in which trees, plants and flowers will grow here compared to all that we grew in our old house...we've tried many citrus trees & all of them died. It just gets too cold in the winter...we never dreamed that in a few short years, our tiny fig tree would not only survive, but would thrive and grow so tall and yield such delicious harvest. I can only think that it must be a blessing from above...

Thanks, Uncle Ern! XOXO


  1. Those figs look amazing, we love figs, but alas our fig trees just don't produce well, I am hoping this year they will be fantastic :) Have a great weekend.



  2. Such a wonderful family history to your fig tree. Your figs look so delicious. I hope it will continue to thrive for a long, long time.
